2024 School Boundary Documents and Resources

GFCA January 2024 Newsletter Article -  GFCA Schools Task Force Formed

GFCA Correspondence to School Board Chairman Frisch January 17, 2024

Policy 8130.8 5/16/24 Draft

Policy 8130.8 5/16/24 Draft

GFCA Correspondence to School Board Chairman Frisch April 23, 2024

GFCA Correspondence to School Board Chairman Frisch May 15, 2024

Robin Lady Email to constituent May 29, 2024

GFCA FCPS Data Request June 10, 2024 (email)

High Level Brief of Schools Task Force Milestones June 11, 2024

GFCA Correspondence to School Board Chairman Frisch June 24 2024



Update: GFCA Board Reiterates its Request for a Pause in School Redistricting Policy Revision Process

On June 24, the GFCA submitted a second letter to the Fairfax County School Board requesting a pause in their action to allow for community engagement and information sharing concerning School Boundary Adjustment Policy 8130 under review.  The Board has not paused the action thus far and a draft policy was approved by the School Board’s Governance Committee and discussed during the full Board’s Work session on Tuesday, June 25.

At that meeting, several Fairfax County School Board members emphasized the need for more robust community engagement throughout the review of the boundary adjustment process.  School Board members also discussed the need to revise school boundaries and governance policies to address overcrowding, balancing enrollment, optimizing budget allocation, and ensuring equitable access to educational programs and resources.  Additionally, they considered proposed revisions to school board policies on student assignment, middle school education, school construction, and the need for a comprehensive review of school boundaries every five years to reflect demographic changes.  Finally, members highlighted the importance of equitable access to education programs, efficient resource allocation, and modernization of schools in Fairfax County.

School Board members were tasked to submit any proposed substantive changes to the boundary policy via the Board's "Next Steps" process.  Only one member, Dr. Ricardy Anderson (Mason District), submitted changes but those changes were subsequently removed by her.  The suggestions she previously submitted were:

  • enrollment/capacity should be added as a driver and considered first; to revise criteria for family involvement to include “caregivers”;
  • phasing should be “attrition” for Middle schools and High schools and phasing for elementary schools should be limited to K through 3; and, finally,
  •  that including language that delegation of implementation by the Superintendent is redundant.   

Because the foregoing suggestions were removed by Representative Anderson, and due to the fact that there were no other “Next Steps” submitted, the July 1 Governance Committee Meeting was cancelled.

The latest version of the draft policy will be noticed as New Business and attached to the July 11, 2024 Regular Meeting agenda of the School Board.  Formal School Board Action on this policy amendment is scheduled for July 18, 2024. 

During the June GFCA Executive Board Meeting its Special Committee on Schools (SCS) was re-activated.  The committee will be co-chaired by Ed Phillips and Jennifer Falcone.  They may be reached at schools@GFCA.org.    

In related action, following the June 11 GFCA Membership meeting, local residents formed a Facebook group FairFacts Matters to coordinate community efforts regarding school policy changes.  FairFACTS Matters is seeking community support and currently has a coordinated effort underway.  To learn what they are doing to protect our children and communities consider visiting https://www.fairfactsmatters.org/to stay connected with news as this matter progresses!  Like the GFCA’s efforts on several initiatives, they recognize this is a county-wide concern and have initiated a petition.  Read their information flyer here.

GFCA is continuing its efforts to share information and maintain liaison with this group of concerned residents through its Special Committee on Schools (SCS).  Committee meetings will be announced on the GFCA Event Calendar on the GFCA Homepage www.gfca.org.Read the GFCA letter here.

GFCA Board Requests Pause in School Redistricting Policy Revision Process

(June 17, 2024)  Over the Weekend, the GFCA Executive Board adopted a position paper that calls on the County's Board of Education to pause the current policy review process that is addressing changes to the county-wide school boundary adjustment policy.  This paper was forwarded to the entire School Board on June 17, 2024.  Read the GFCA paper here.


GFCA Town Hall Webinar With Dranesville District School Board Representative Ms. Robyn Lady

Representative Lady discussed the current draft revisions to Fairfax County Public Schools Policy Document 8130.7 that governs school boundary adjustments.

This Webinar held on Monday June 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. was open to the community.  More than 400 residents registered for the event.  This event followed from a GFCA membership meeting conducted on June 11, 2024 at which time significant community concern was expressed over the policy that is currently under review.  GFCA committed to the membership and attendees at that time that a Webinar would be scheduled as soon as possible to afford Representative Lady with the opportunity to clarify questions and hear public comment prior to the June 18, 2024 School Board Governance Committee Meeting during which time the committee members will review the policy drafts to date.

To view the GFCA's YouTube video of the Town Hall, click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ZmMSmY43U

Great Falls Citizens Association
PO Box 27  •  Great Falls, VA  •  22066 

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